In addition to the 8mm film, we also found some 35 mm slides. Can you identify anyone?
2 days ago, Susie Fagalde
We found some 8mm film in our conference room and had it developed! Do you recognize anyone or the field trip locations? We're loving discovering this Weaver history!
2 days ago, Susie Fagalde
APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED FOR CITIZENS’ BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE WEAVER UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE is hereby given that the Weaver Union School District will establish a citizens’ bond oversight committee to oversee expenditures of Measure K bond funds. The District is presently accepting applications from interested citizens to serve on the committee. The committee will consist of seven members who meet, review, and report on expenditures of bond funds to ensure money is used only for voter-approved purposes. Interested persons may obtain an application from the Superintendent’s office, located at 1240 D Street, Merced, CA 95341, or download the application from the District’s website at: Applications are due by March 31, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.
3 days ago, Susie Fagalde
The Weaver Union School District recommends that every family have a “Family Preparedness Plan”. While we have only recently brought this up due to changes in immigration policy, it is a good practice for all families regardless of immigration status. Being prepared for the unexpected will not only give you peace of mind, it will ensure that the adults in your children’s lives know how to care for them in an emergency. Although this document does have immigration-related sections, please ignore those sections if they do not pertain to your family. Again, this document is for ALL families that care to use it. Creating A Family Preparedness Plan English: Español: Mike Weber, Superintendent
8 days ago, Susie Fagalde
APPLICATIONS BEING ACCEPTED FOR CITIZENS’ BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE WEAVER UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE is hereby given that the Weaver Union School District will establish a citizens’ bond oversight committee to oversee expenditures of Measure K bond funds. The District is presently accepting applications from interested citizens to serve on the committee. The committee will consist of seven members who meet, review, and report on expenditures of bond funds to ensure money is used only for voter-approved purposes. Interested persons may obtain an application from the Superintendent’s office, located at 1240 D Street, Merced, CA 95341, or download the application from the District’s website at: Applications are due by March 31, 2025 at 3:00 p.m.
11 days ago, Susie Fagalde
To our Weaver Families: As we all know there have been recent changes regarding immigration policies. The Weaver Union School District understands this has caused fear and uncertainty with many of our families. If these policies affect your family, we understand that these changes may impact the sense of safety and security you and your family feel. The Weaver Union School District is committed to the success of all students and believes that every school site should be a safe and welcoming place for all students and their families irrespective of their citizenship or immigration status. Both our Board Policy (5145.13) and California Education Code (234.7) state that District staff shall not solicit or collect information or documents regarding the citizenship or immigration status of students or their family members or provide assistance with immigration enforcement at district schools, except as may be required by state and federal law. Our district policies are designed to protect the safety, privacy, and rights of every student. These policies require that any law enforcement or outside agency personnel provide proper identification and legal documentation, such as a warrant or court order, before they can access students or school property. It is also important to note that the Weaver Union School District will adhere to all legal guidelines, and comply with law enforcement as required by state/federal law. During this transitional time there are many unknowns and we will keep you informed of new information we get as we get it. At this moment we have no indication that the new policies will directly impact schools, nor do we believe they will. However, since we cannot honestly guarantee that, we won’t. What we can and will guarantee is, “All staff at the Weaver Union School District will continue to treat you, your family, and our students with the same dignity and respect we always have.” For more information on our policies, regulations and additional resources, please visit our website at: Sincerely, Mike Weber, Superintendent Weaver Union School District A nuestras familias tejedoras: Como todos sabemos, ha habido cambios recientes en las políticas de inmigración. El Distrito Escolar Weaver Union comprende que esto ha causado miedo e incertidumbre en muchas de nuestras familias. Si estas políticas afectan a su familia, comprendemos que estos cambios pueden afectar la sensación de seguridad que usted y su familia sienten. El Distrito Escolar Weaver Union está comprometido con el éxito de todos los estudiantes y cree que cada escuela debe ser un lugar seguro y acogedor para todos los estudiantes y sus familias, independientemente de su ciudadanía o estado migratorio. Tanto nuestra Política de la Junta (5145.13) como el Código de Educación de California (234.7) establecen que el personal del Distrito no solicitará ni recopilará información o documentos sobre la ciudadanía o el estado migratorio de los estudiantes o sus familiares ni brindará asistencia con la aplicación de las leyes de inmigración en las escuelas del distrito, excepto según lo exija la ley estatal y federal. Nuestras políticas del distrito están diseñadas para proteger la seguridad, la privacidad y los derechos de todos los estudiantes. Estas políticas requieren que cualquier personal de las fuerzas del orden o de agencias externas proporcione una identificación adecuada y la documentación legal, como una orden judicial, antes de poder acceder a los estudiantes o la propiedad escolar. También es importante tener en cuenta que el Distrito Escolar Weaver Union cumplirá con todas las pautas legales y cumplirá con las leyes estatales y federales. Durante este tiempo de transición hay muchas incógnitas y lo mantendremos informado de la nueva información que obtengamos a medida que la obtengamos. En este momento no tenemos ninguna indicación de que las nuevas políticas afectarán directamente a las escuelas, ni creemos que lo harán. Sin embargo, dado que no podemos garantizarlo honestamente, no lo haremos. Lo que podemos y garantizaremos es que "todo el personal del Distrito Escolar Weaver Union continuará tratándolo a usted, a su familia y a nuestros estudiantes con la misma dignidad y respeto que siempre hemos tenido". Para obtener más información sobre nuestras políticas, regulaciones y recursos adicionales, visite nuestro sitio web en: Atentamente, Mike Weber, Superintendente Distrito Escolar Weaver Union
16 days ago, Susie Fagalde
To our Weaver Families: As we all know there have been recent changes regarding immigration policies. The Weaver Union School District understands this has caused fear and uncertainty with many of our families. If these policies affect your family, we understand that these changes may impact the sense of safety and security you and your family feel. The Weaver Union School District is committed to the success of all students and believes that every school site should be a safe and welcoming place for all students and their families irrespective of their citizenship or immigration status. Both our Board Policy (5145.13) and California Education Code (234.7) state that District staff shall not solicit or collect information or documents regarding the citizenship or immigration status of students or their family members or provide assistance with immigration enforcement at district schools, except as may be required by state and federal law. Our district policies are designed to protect the safety, privacy, and rights of every student. These policies require that any law enforcement or outside agency personnel provide proper identification and legal documentation, such as a warrant or court order, before they can access students or school property. It is also important to note that the Weaver Union School District will adhere to all legal guidelines, and comply with law enforcement as required by state/federal law. During this transitional time there are many unknowns and we will keep you informed of new information we get as we get it. At this moment we have no indication that the new policies will directly impact schools, nor do we believe they will. However, since we cannot honestly guarantee that, we won’t. What we can and will guarantee is, “All staff at the Weaver Union School District will continue to treat you, your family, and our students with the same dignity and respect we always have.” For more information on our policies, regulations and additional resources, please visit our website at: Como todos sabemos, ha habido cambios recientes en las políticas de inmigración. El Distrito Escolar Weaver Union comprende que esto ha causado miedo e incertidumbre en muchas de nuestras familias. Si estas políticas afectan a su familia, comprendemos que estos cambios pueden afectar la sensación de seguridad que usted y su familia sienten. El Distrito Escolar Weaver Union está comprometido con el éxito de todos los estudiantes y cree que cada escuela debe ser un lugar seguro y acogedor para todos los estudiantes y sus familias, independientemente de su ciudadanía o estado migratorio. Tanto nuestra Política de la Junta (5145.13) como el Código de Educación de California (234.7) establecen que el personal del Distrito no solicitará ni recopilará información o documentos sobre la ciudadanía o el estado migratorio de los estudiantes o sus familiares ni brindará asistencia con la aplicación de las leyes de inmigración en las escuelas del distrito, excepto según lo exija la ley estatal y federal. Nuestras políticas del distrito están diseñadas para proteger la seguridad, la privacidad y los derechos de todos los estudiantes. Estas políticas requieren que cualquier personal de las fuerzas del orden o de agencias externas proporcione una identificación adecuada y la documentación legal, como una orden judicial, antes de poder acceder a los estudiantes o la propiedad escolar. También es importante tener en cuenta que el Distrito Escolar Weaver Union cumplirá con todas las pautas legales y cumplirá con las leyes estatales y federales. Durante este tiempo de transición hay muchas incógnitas y lo mantendremos informado de la nueva información que obtengamos a medida que la obtengamos. En este momento no tenemos ninguna indicación de que las nuevas políticas afectarán directamente a las escuelas, ni creemos que lo harán. Sin embargo, dado que no podemos garantizarlo honestamente, no lo haremos. Lo que podemos y garantizaremos es que "todo el personal del Distrito Escolar Weaver Union continuará tratándolo a usted, a su familia y a nuestros estudiantes con la misma dignidad y respeto que siempre hemos tenido". Para obtener más información sobre nuestras políticas, regulaciones y recursos adicionales, visite nuestro sitio web en:
17 days ago, Susie Fagalde
A very kind Weaver Elementary School alumni donated these photos to the District. Merced Colony Grammer School and Tuttle Grammer School both opened in 1913 and are two of the four schools that joined together to form the Weaver Union School District in 1946. Weaver Elementary School officially opened in 1948. For more WUSD history please visit our website at
17 days ago, Susie Fagalde
Tuttle Grammer School
Merced Colony Grammer School
Tickets are now available for the Weaver Performing Arts performance of Disney's Aladdin Jr.! Public performances will be Friday, March 7, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. and Saturday, March 8, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Use the link below to purchase your tickets!
19 days ago, Susie Fagalde
Join us at our next Wellness Committee meeting!
3 months ago, Susie Fagalde
Wellness ENg
Wellnes Sp
Join us at our next Wellness Committee meeting!
3 months ago, Susie Fagalde
Wellness Eng
Wellness SP
Our new Kindergarten/TK playground is already a student favorite!
3 months ago, Susie Fagalde
Congratulations to our Weaver Middle School County All-Star athletes!
3 months ago, Susie Fagalde
Boys Volleyball
Girls Soccer
Join us at our next Wellness Committee meeting!
3 months ago, Susie Fagalde
Wellness Eng
Wellnes Sp
All Weaver Union School District sites and departments will be closed for Veterans Day. Normal school and business hours will resume on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
3 months ago, Susie Fagalde
Veterans Day
All school sites and the District office will be closed. Normal school/business hours on Tuesday, November 12, 2024.
3 months ago, Susie Fagalde
Veterans Day
Good luck to our Weaver Middle School All-Star athletes!
3 months ago, Susie Fagalde
Enjoy your break! We'll see you on November 4th!
4 months ago, Susie Fagalde
track off
Support the Weaver Performing Arts Boosters during track off with jump nights at Sky Zone. Let staff know your with the Weaver Performing Arts Boosters when you check in!
4 months ago, Susie Fagalde
Jump Night Flyer
Join the Weaver Music Boosters for a Bunco Night on Sunday, October 13th at Pioneer Elementary School. Tickets are available at
4 months ago, Susie Fagalde
WMB Bunco Night