Sierra Vista Services

Therapeutic Intervention Program (T.I.P.)

The Therapeutic Intervention Program (T.I.P.) provides school-based mental health counseling to our Weaver Middle School Students. This program provides services for our Weaver Middle School students as clinicians provide screenings and assessments to identify social, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. Individual, family, parent, and crisis counseling are available to assist students and their families with specific issues that significantly interfere with their level of functioning. Ask our school counselors about T.I.P. if you would like more information.


iMatter is a program offered to all Weaver Middle School Students that teaches social-emotional skills aimed at reducing impulsive and aggressive behavior while increasing social competence through small groups. The goal of the iMatter Program is to improve classroom environments, improve behaviors in children and reduce malicious intent. Ask our school counselors about the iMatter Program if you would like more information.